Lambeth Fudge

Lambeth Fudge is a delicious product inspired by the Church of England.
The Cambridge Dictionary gives two meanings for the word FUDGE: 1) A soft sweet made from sugar, butter, and milk. 2) A plan or action that avoids making a clear decision or giving a clear answer.
I don’t know whether you’ve noticed but the Church of England has been producing a lot of the latter recently. Whether it be their stance on the industrial scale killing of innocent unborn babies or their wishy washy views on sexuality, their former Archbishop has been churning out the stuff!
Our fudge on the other hand is the former. This delicious sardonic Scottish fudge is made is sold to you in recognition of the master fudgers of Lambeth.
Order it. Eat it. Share it. And why not say a prayer for the former Archbishop as you do!