Homophobic, alienating, unloving- Why Lambeth Fudge needs to be eaten!

These are some of the criticisms the campaign has received. This is what we have to say in reply:

Christian Hacking

12/20/20246 min read

Dear Anon,

Thank you again for this back and forth and for the clarity it is bringing. Let's start where we agree. The Bible is God's inerrant word, useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. To use DeYoung's helpful acronym (SCAN), it speaks sufficiently, clearly, authoritatively, and necessarily into all matters. Not always completely (for example, the Bible doesn’t mention condoms, Teslas, tea bags, or Tottenham Hotspur), but it does offer larger moral principles that we can apply to these modern phenomena. Where there is no absolute application, we should operate carefully and charitably, but not without orientation.

I agree. While the Bible does speak absolutely and clearly into the topics of abortion, sexuality, and persecution, we cannot apply the same certainty and absoluteness to the questions of vaccination, lockdowns, and migration. Most, at this point, steer clear of these questions or side with the Christian Left as they deploy the unrooted “love thy neighbour” ethic that can be used to justify, well, anything. “Love is love,” right?!

My contention has been and remains that unless “love” is rooted in God’s perfect Old Testament law (later fulfilled in Christ through the new covenant), it has no real meaning and is wide open to manipulation. Part of the chaos of the Church of England's response to lockdowns was the unbiblical assumptions that undergirded their decision-making. It was just assumed that the man-made virus warranted total church closure and that the vaccine, which benefited from aborted babies in its research and development phase, was the clear solution. Welby even went so far on ITV as to suggest it was immoral for Christians not to take the vaccine.

That, my friend, is the “absolute rubbish” that needs to be recognised and repented of by Justin Welby and the C of E leadership. This is why we are running the Where’s Welby campaign and why it is publicly necessary to have this debate so people (Christian and non-Christian) can discern what God’s word actually says. So let’s apply some principles:

  1. In the Old Testament, quarantining is used only for the infectious, not the whole population. Vallance and Whitty overlooked this entirely to the detriment of millions of people. The Church of England, at no point, pointed this out.

  2. In the New Testament, to go against your conscience is sin, and to force someone to go against their conscience is also sin (1 Corinthians 8). The Government vaccine strategy had no regard for individual conscience and saw thousands of good people in the care sector lose their jobs (unnecessarily so, it turns out). This was sin according to the bible. Did Welby stand up for them or issue letters for conscientious objectors? No, Welby rode roughshod over the conscience of objectors by suggesting it was immoral not to be vaccinated. Hmmm. Really the Bible says nothing about vaccination? And this is before we touch the link between the vaccines and abortion which I and our team, labour tirelessly to expose in 2021.

  3. Regarding the importance of church meetings: again, no absolutes here. In times of war and plagues, the church has been known not to meet, but the principle in the Old and New Testament is that God’s people should physically meet under God’s word (cf. Hebrews 10:25). In fact, church history shows that those that meet even in times of war and plagues are normally blessed as a result because people are like “wow, there is actually something more important than self preservation. Tell me more!”. This principle was abandoned far too quickly in view of the anti trinity: “stay at home, protect the NHS, save lives” and the false pretense that Zoom was an adequate alternative to meeting together. Total poppycock! Christ did not come to earth at Christmas via Zoom. He came as a person; we too should meet as persons.

  4. Finally, regarding vaccines, particularly COVID vaccines: it is now well-documented that the COVID vaccines- we were all so encouraged to take- were largely ineffective and harmful at a perilously high rate (around 1 in 800 according to a re-analysis of the Pfizer/Moderner control trial data). Google this, and the top 1000 searches will refute this point, but this is to be expected from multimillion-dollar industries, who met up in 2019 in New York to strategise a pandemic response in advance for a respiratory virus, then invested heavily in “new-gen” jabs as soon as the pandemic hit, and THEN walked away with 10 times the amount they invested. (True story—Google Event 201 if unsure what I am referring to here.) If all this is too much to handle, then perhaps the best source I can take you to is Dr. John Campbell’s YouTube channel. From 2020 onward, he went through all the papers on vaccination effectiveness and harms in granular detail. You can watch in real time as Dr. John, who initially supported lockdowns and vaccines, slowly begins to twig something sinister is going on.

In short, the pandemic saw the largest psychological misinformation campaign waged by a Government (and MI5, I should add) against a peacetime population we have ever known. The Church of England went along with it!

Again, let’s return to principles. God’s word DOESN’T speak specifically into COVID or COVID vaccines, but it does offer principles that may explain behaviours and give some inkling as to how Christians should respond. God’s word is clear that the whole world is under the control of the evil one (1 John 5:19) and that “there will be terrible times in the last days” due to people's sins, which include people being: “lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive…unholy, without love…slanderous…brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, and lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God.” Big Pharma is not all bad—praise God for paracetamol—but the evidence regarding COVID is dire indeed. There is a reason why Pfizer tried to delay the release of their covid vaccine trial data by 75 years to the year 2096. It is also the reason why, as we speak, expert vaccine lawyer Aaron Siri is requesting the FDA remove approval of a number of childhood vaccines in the states.

On 14th December 2020, just before Christmas got cancelled, Welby held a service in Southwark remembering Thomas Becket, the Archbishop who was martyred for standing up to King Henry II. In his historically rich sermon, he concluded: “Simplicity, humility, and boldness must be our virtues as a Church.” Yet this, in a nutshell, has been the categorical failing of Welby’s leadership that must be accounted for. He hasn’t just been lacking in these virtues but has inverted them, offering complexity where there is simplicity, pride where there should have been humility, and silence or slander where there should have been boldness.

In its silence the church has left a brigade of brave scientists, new-age freedom fighters, Christ-less conservatives, and working-class activists to make the case their own apparatus refused to make. They have fought boldly and many have come to Christ, but the established Church stood in their way. This is a grave sin!

People say "Welby’s gone, the horse has bolted, why do you keep going on about it?" My answer is because so little has truly been dealt with. If it is not, history will just repeat itself. What’s more I want to give Welby a chance to answer and repent before the judgement seat of Christ.

You ask, “Christian—do you think that this campaign is changing minds, who don't already agree?”

The answer is yes. By reading this, people will begin to see and understand how much more glorious God is then his English church has made Him. If I am alienating people, I hope to be alienating them first against the world, the flesh, and the devil, of whom they must be alienated if they are to be soundly saved.

As for the gay unbeliever: all I can say is I am sorry we have made Christ so small and ourselves so big. I hope reading this you can see the comprehensive nature of Christian faith as applied to multiple areas. If you can, please know God loves you, Christ died for you, and the Holy Spirit longs to live in you. Turn from a fickle identity in your sexuality and take on an identity as a son of God. Repent and come to him. He is a darn sight more glorious than the current iteration of the English church that bears his name.

Also, buy our fudge!


Written 20.12.2024

The following was written in response to objections raised on my facebook regarding the delicious Lambeth Fudge we have been selling. Below you can read an anonymise account of what was has been said. The letter below my open response.